We have a few missionary centres in France, run by our Sisters and Tertiary Homes. In spite of sad shortcomings, France remains the “Eldest Daughter of the Church”. God has in store for her in the near future a religious epic that will honor the countless Saints who have illustrated her past. Through a great intensity of prayer and their commitment to God, our members work actively for the salvation of France. For the moment, we have no public place of worship there. Our Sisters carry out the apostolate by distributing the Magnificat calendar and our religious articles.
In a mountainous region of central Italy lies our monastery “Casa Santa Maria Mater Dei”. In Italy as everywhere, the main activity of the Apostles of Infinite Love is prayer and penance, for the preservation of the Faith. The Church and the world are so much in need of intercessors in the present crisis of general apostasy.
The Order of the Magnificat of the Mother of God is implanted in South Africa. In these distant regions, our priests suffer and struggle for the preservation of the Faith. Their weapons are prayer and penance, religious teaching and the administration of the sacraments.
Argentina, known as “the end of the world”, is also home to a nucleus of the Order of the Magnificat of the Mother of God. Our priests carry the torch there and the Sacred Depot of Faith is preserved by a group of fervent believers. In the Chapel of Our Lady of Lujan all the traditional religious services and sacraments are offered. Holy Mass is celebrated there and Holy Hours are organized with meditation of the rosary and religious instruction.